Veranstaltungshinweis: Reinventing Harbour Cities
"Urban Planning and Art in the Public Space" - So nennt sich eine Konferenz, die am 10. April und 25. Mai 2008 im Center for Icelandic Art in Reykjavik stattfindet. Teilnehmer sind u. a. Vito Acconci, Olafur Eliasson und Ute Meta Bauer.
Harbour cities have long been formed by industrialization, shaped by international trade and constantly confronted with the untamed power of the ocean. Today, these cities compete on a global stage as they create new identities, new images to attract foreign business and tourists. As the industrial zones of business harbours are moving out of city centers to the outskirts of towns, prime waterfront areas are opening up for the development of commercial, residential, and leisure spaces. It is about revitalization of entire districts, a constant restructuring of city life, rejuvenating individual and community engagement with and within the urban environment, or in short: Reinventing Harbour Cities. Culture-measured in part by avant-gardist concepts and perspectives, architectural attractions and artist works- plays a significant role in creating cities' new identities. Recently built concert houses and museums are emergent landmarks, parks and squares have become the stages for various art forms and performances, and all are important links to the social life of inhabitants and visitors alike.
This international conference aims to open such a discussion by focusing on urban development and the role of art in public spaces of harbour cities. The development, privatization, and changing identities of cities that have grown as a result of their seaside locations present critical challenges for urban planners as well as for artists living and working within these cities. As private companies and investors have increasing power in terms of reinventing urban landscapes both physically and culturally, this presents a crucial opportunity for artists to reconsider their own potential to help shape public space. [Pressetext, gekürzt]