Ausstellungstipp: Playmobil Fab.

Musée de Design (mudac)
Lausanne, CH
bis 12. Februar 2012
PLAYMOBIL Fab. Is the first exhibition in Switzerland devoted to this famous German line of toys. The abbreviation "Fab" underscores the fabrication aspect that the museum has chosen to highlight in this show.Transformed into a factory, the mudac galleries reveal how this 3-inch figurine conquered the world, colonizing several generations of children's rooms. Featuring over 5000 figurines, the show draws a detailed timeline from the initial concept for the toy and its manufacture since its introduction in 1974.
In doing so, it showcases the spontaneously submitted children's drawings received by the firm, as well as the various phases launched by the engineering and design departments, up until the final product's actual creation and packaging. The presentation underscores the toys' highly inventive and clever design lines, and the graphic impact of both the object and its wrapping.A greenhouse lined with myriads of Playmobil figurines will afford younger visitors a playroom in which to let loose their imagination. [Text: Museum]